Quality Assurance Areas
The work of ACTFL Quality Assurance (QA) encompasses a wide range of activities that are critical to ensure the consistent evaluation of examinee performance on ACTFL assessments:
- Recruiting testers and raters who are well qualified
- Monitoring tester and rater performance on an ongoing basis
- Monitoring item performance
- Maintaining standardized assessment training materials
- Ensuring rater readiness and offering regular norming opportunities
- Facilitating rating arbitration and finalizing rating reviews
- Maintaining QA Councils and appointing QA advisors to advise on rating standards
- Collaborating with ACTFL Assessment Program to coordinate psychometric reviews of ACTFL assessments
- Managing ACE Reviews for Credit Recommendations
Rater Recruitment
Achieving high inter-rater reliability in any human-scored assessment begins with recruiting excellent rater candidates whose qualifications and background are appropriate for the assessment.
If you are interested in becoming a rater of the OPIc, WPT or AAPPL assessments, please consult the following pages for role descriptions, qualifications, available languages. If you feel that you’re a good fit for the role, we encourage you to apply for rater training opportunities. In the case of AAPPL, ACTFL opens the application process once a year in November. As well, ACTFL recruits from those individuals who complete the certification requirements for the Oral Proficiency Interview - Computer (OPIc) and the Writing Proficiency Test (WPT).